David Cameron reveals ideal stag party companions!

Picture the scene: Silvio Berlusconi is organising a stag party for you and there’s five spare spaces on the coach for your mates.  Who would you invite?


Prime Minister David Cameron was asked by the Guardian who is ideal stag party companions would be, if Silvio Berlusconi was in charge of arrangements.


Here’s his choices:

  • Bill Clinton – by far the wildest choice on the list!
  • Barrack Obama
  • John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand
  • Nicolas Sarkozy
  • Mohamed Nasheed, president of the Maldives (At least they’d have somewhere nice to go)


We’re sure Clinton and Berlusconi would provide the entertainment on that stag party.


Who would your ideal stag party attendees be?  Leave your comments below.


Read the full article on David Cameron’s ideal stag party companions.

Image: All rights reserved by conservativeparty

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