Have your hens got a booty worth shaking?

Who in your hen party has curves like Beyonce and can twerk like Miley? Find out in this ball shaking, booty jiggling hen party game.

This hen party game is great fun, it’s not too embarrassing but has guaranteed laughs and just enough booty shaking to leave your hen party red cheeked.

Cost: 1star

Embarrassment: 3star

How to play: Shake the balls out of a Kleenex box.

Equipment: you will need an empty Kleenex box that has string fastened through both sides. You need to do it so that the empty box is horizontal on the player’s bottom and the string can be fastened round her waist at the front – think of a bum bag on backwards. If you want your hens to compete against each other head to head or in teams then make more boxes. You will also need some small balls to put in the box such as table tennis balls and some music for your hen party to shake to.

When your hen party is ready to play then fasten the box around their waist and full it with the small balls – how many is up to you.
There’s a couple of ways to play the game once you start the music:

  • Your hen shakes her butt until ALL the balls have fallen out. This can take a while if some of your hen party aren’t great shakers!
  • Your hen shakes as many balls out as possible within a certain time – 1 minute or the length of a song for example.

Both of these can be played by hens individually, against each other head to head or in teams.
We hope you enjoy this hen party game, we think it’s one of the best – it’s easy to set up, a great laugh and your hen party will have great fun.


If you enjoyed this then take a look at our full range of hen party games, there’s something to suit every type of hen party

Hen party games